Caduceus Electronics received the official status of an organization operating in the field of information technology

The Caduceus Electronics company has successfully passed the state accreditation in the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media as an organization operating in the field of information technology. Making an entry about the company in the register of accredited organizations confirms its compliance with the high standards and quality level for working with government customers.

Since its inception, the company has been actively involved in the development of software, telecommunications equipment and an electronic component of the base for use in the field of medicine, as well as the launch of products in priority markets as part of the program to replace foreign industrial digital products and solutions. The innovative developments of the Dubna SEZ resident company are already being used in the creation of equipment for life support systems for patients, as well as for emergency services and disaster medicine.

In order to implement the state program "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry", Caduceus Electronics plans to enter the top centers for the design of electronic, microelectronic and radio-electronic products to fulfill the tasks of ensuring technological independence in key areas.


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